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DJI Robomaster TT mit Kindern

RoboMaster EP Core: Advanced teaching robot takes learning to a whole new level

1024 576 Solectric GmbH

With the learning robot from DJI, students can develop their full learning potential. The future of learning can already be glimpsed today: Instead of traditional frontal instruction, teachers are focusing on interactive learning with a high practical component. Important tools here include computers, robots and other digital learning materials, including the DJI RoboMaster EP Core.…

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Dronemasters Academy: A pioneer in the field of drones in the education sector.

1024 683 Solectric GmbH

While the industrial use of drone technology is booming in Germany, e.g. in husbandry/forestry, infrastructure, security, and public authorities, its utilization in the education sector is still somewhat uncommon. Drones, or multicopters as they are sometimes called, can be used for a wide range of applications and to teach children of all ages, especially when…

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